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Klondike Derby, January

This year the Klondike Derby was held at Camp Shenandoah. It was a fun time of fellowship, work, play, and rain. The Boy Scout motto is "Be Prepared," and Troop 72 must always be ready for bad weather. If any area is experiencing a drought, Troop 72 would be glad to camp in your area. It will guarantee a significant weather event!

One of the most exciting events at a Klondike Derby is the sled race. Our boys ran the entire sled race in the mud. You should have seen the "wet rats" when they returned to the campsite! Moms had lots of fun when they returned home.

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Building a bridge was one of the fun and challenging events. It builds teamwork and patrol spirit.

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We always need protection in the rain. Tarps are an integral part of our rain gear.

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Flagpole Knob, February

One of our favorite campsites is the top of Flagpole Knob, the second highest point in Virginia.


VMI, March