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Pitt Spring 1989

Things were much simpler back in 1989. We could move the troop in two or three vehicles. The Pitt Spring Trail is in the George Washington National Forest. It runs inside the Massanutten range from Catherine Furnace (near Shenandoah) to Fridley Gap (near Camp Overlook).

Tiger Map  -  Slow!     Hike Topo     Compass Course

Mr. Fawcett took the main picture so we pasted him in

Here's the Campsite at the Pond on the Pitt Spring Trail. If you look close you will see the pond behind the left green tent. The campout featured a mini-orienteering compass-hike (2nd Class #1b.)up to the Eastern Ridge of the Massanutten as Scouts worked on (2nd Class #5.)"signs of wildlife" and (1st Class #6.)"tree ID".

tents at Pitt Spring Trail Pond

Mr. Graham and the FIRST pack that he wore out.

A thinner Mr. Graham

Byrd Knob

This event occurred in 1990. Leaving from the Massanutten Visitor's Center at New Market Gap we hiked up the ridge in the George Washington National Forest to the South Massanutten area. Byrd knob is located near the Channel 3 tower which is visible from I-81. The highlight of the event were the scenic rocks overlooking New Market.

Tiger Map  -  Slow!          Topo map of event

I can't get you all in. Step back two steps....

James Richardson and David Marifino
at the "Leap of Death" James, I hope your Mom doesn't see this
Mr. Kugel, one of our first,
and best Assistant Scoutmasters. Groucho Marx's evil twin

A Scout is Reverent. Sunday Morning Devotionals in the "Chapel of the Rocks".

Hey...theres a snake; Let's have Church!

prison release program

A Scout is Clean

Back in 1989 we didn't have so many Eagle projects to work on. To gain service hours (and poison ivy) we picked up trash. Can you name this location?

neat highway dept vests, eh?

Parting Shots

Assistant Scoutmaster Luke Fawcett, and his buddies: Jacob Fawcett, Nathan Blackwell and Josh Broome. First Year Campers at the Camp Shenadoah totem pole; circa 1981.

note the dining hall is under construction

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WDF 1-26-99